Multi-factor authentication

Data security has become increasingly important for all companies and
organizations worldwide. With our multifactor authentication solutions
you can easily prevent data breaches and unauthorized access to your
applications. Contact us today for further information.

What is Multi-factor Authentication?

Multi-factor authentication is the digital security method used for increasing the security of online accounts against potential data breaches. Multi-factor authentication adds additional security layers comprising upon unique codes which shall be entered in addition to log-in information by the users. By making use of reliable and top-notch multi-factor authentication solutions, you can improve your online security by using cutting-edge multi-factor authentication methods.

How does Multifactor authentication work?

The problem of data stealing and security breaches has reached exponential limits in the current years. Hundreds of cybersecurity crack cases filed each day. To make the world of online connectivity a lot safer than before, Multifactor authentication is a reliable solution. By being one-step ahead from the 2 Factor authentication systems, multifactor authentication system adds another extra layer of protection for your online security. Also known as step-up authentication system or advanced authentication. Multifactor authentication system asks the user to go through a series of authentication steps. The validation of the identity done by 2 or more legitimate claims made by the user from different factors present in different authentication categories.

Multifactor authentication systems typically make use of the following identification methods to authorize online account access:


  • Identification based on knowledge:


Multifactor authentication solutions will ask you questions, the answers to which known to you and your shared users only. Access to the account would be possible just if the responses to the asked information are validating (match with pre-existing knowledge). Even the smallest discrepancy such as the case of letters in entered information will deny the access to the account. It is usually in the form of questions, passwords or pin codes.


  • Identification based on possessions:


In this step, unique codes sent to the device, mobile or laptop, of the user. These codes are a combination of letters and numbers and need to enter in the log-in information before accessing the account. This step ensures that the identity claims made by the users are authentic.


  • Identification based on inherence:


This step requires the users to identify themselves by unique, biometric traits such as optical patterns, voice recognition, and fingerprints. Any inconsistency in the matching of information leads to denial of access to the account.


MFA works as a combination of 2 or more identity claims in which no claim holds a deciding value on its own. It means that in case if there is a weakness or breach in the 1st-factor claim, it can be compensated by correct assertions made in the 2nd or 3rd step of authentication.


Why choose multi-factor authentication?

Your online security is your right and your duty. Using multi-factor authentication is very likely to help you in this manner. Here are a few ways in which MFA can assist you in enhancing your online security by using its excellent working principle:


  • Enhancing web-security:


In today’s progressive world of growing online connectivity, the threats associated with online security have also increased by manifolds. Any sensible online user prioritizes web security over any other thing. Multi-factor authentication solutions offer a brilliant cybersecurity solution to the majority of the online security problems. Multifactor Authentication uses three identity claims which need to validate before account access achieved. If someone tries to breach your account by stealing your passwords, you will always have two back doors in the form of device identification and biometric identification.


  • Compliance with data security standards:


Online experts are well aware with the benefits of multifactor authentication regarding the protection of your online accounts, cloud data and online business from online scams, frauds, and thefts. Any online business owner knows the importance which business data and analytics play in the improvement of sales and business infrastructure. Similarly, web-geeks prefer to protect their essential data from online hackers and data breaches in any way possible. Any ordinary man who uses internet banking or any other form of online services has a right of having access to top-quality Multifactor authentication solutions.  Some compliance standards- state and federal- require the users to make use of Multi-factor authentication. Apart from encryption, the use of MFA is needed for these compliance standards to protect sensitive data such as financial information and PII.


  • Streamlined and simplified log-in


Online geeks know that using high-end multi-factor authentication solutions can be a stressful and tiring task during log-ins. 3-step authentication fatigue is one of the most challenging things MFA has to face. To overcome this problem, MFA offers you a simplified log-in scenario which eliminates the need for repeated MFA by the user.  Once you have successfully authenticated your identity through MFA during log-in, MFA will store the information for next sign-ins. It means that when you sign-in, you will not be asked to provide MFA as it would have been done during log-in step already. This simplified MFA log-in ensures that your access to the apps is streamlined and traction-free.


Multifactor Authentication has become an essential part of enhancing cybersecurity. To protect your data and online accounts from online threats, it advised that you make use of Multi-factor authentication solutions. Save yourself from the pain, expenditures, and frustration of websites, reports and data recovery by initially spending a couple of minutes of MFA proof your online activities, information, and presence.


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