Is your password
secure enough?

Do you believe your password is secure enough?

You may want to reconsider. In 2014, five giant corporation websites were hacked and sold on the black market in a matter of mere days. Reports show that over a billion personal data records were compromised worldwide by cyber-attacks. Nearly half of all online Americans had their personal information revealed by these hackers. On top of that, both the private and public sectors of government and business were targeted and exposed as well.

With more businesses using cloud and content network delivery services, keeping your records secure has become more important than ever. And with criminals stepping up their game like never before, data breaches are becoming both common and devastating.

Use complex passwords

Using a complex and indistinguishable password, and changing it on a frequent basis, can mean a world of difference between keeping your private information safe and having it stolen.

It can be difficult to remember complex passwords in vast numbers, one for every different service you’re using. This is why Password Crypt specializes managing your passwords from one place, so that you only need worry about one password. And the best part? You could start using Password Crypt today!

Test the strength of your password

Here at Password Crypt, we have gathered a deep understanding of the complexity and nature of online security, so that we can help you tighten up your safety online and keep hackers away from your personal information and your business files.

To give you a better understanding of how secure your passwords are, we have come with an online tool that simulates how quickly a skilled hacker could brute-force a password. Our online tool is an interactive feature that lets you test the strength of your password, where you will be given an estimate of how secure your password is, and more importantly, how long it would take a computer to crack it.

As mentioned, hackers will often use the process of brute-forcing a password, which is a process in which the hacker will use a program that methodically checks known and popular password combinations until finding the correct one, based on length and character types.

You may experiment and come up with new passwords using our interactive tool and see for yourself just how many days, months, or even years worth of security an extra letter, number, or symbol may make of a difference.

Note: Our interactive tool is for educational purposes only, and we do not collect or store any passwords you type in.

Time spent cracking a password

The chart below demonstrates the average time it would take to crack a moderately strong password

“×××××” 5 characters

“××××××” 6 characters

“×××××××” 7 characters

“××××××××” 8 characters

“×××××××××” 9 characters

“××××××××××” 10 characters

  1 hour

  up to 23 hours

  1 week

  4 months

  10 years

  200 years

5 characters = 1 hour

6 characters = up to 23 hours

7 characters = 1 week

8 characters = 4 months

9 characters = 10 years

10 characters = 200 years

Length matters

As you can see from our chart above, the amount of characters used in a password do matter, and the more characters you use, the harder it is for the brute-force program to ‘guess’ your password.

A 2010 Georgia Tech Research Institute study showed how a 12-character randomized password could qualify for the minimum length requirement to defeat code breaking and brute-forcing software. In our day and age, using passwords with only 8 characters isn’t recommended. And we agree with the experts; the longer and more complex your passwords are, the better.

One thing to note, however, is that each character is not equal. Simply adding a 9 to a ‘12345678’ password will do nothing to boost your security. This is why we recommend using a mix of capitalized and lower-caps letters, numbers, and ASCII symbols.

Character Variety

Creating a password with a combination of ASCII, Lowercase, Uppercase letters, and numbers


From 2013 to 2018 (and possibly counting longer) this was the most common password in the world. And it takes a computer a fragment of a millisecond to brute-force.


Even passwords that seem like they might be complex for a computer to crack are, in fact, easily hacked. It would take no time nor effort for a computer to crack this password, leaving your account instantly exposed.


While we highly recommend using ASCII symbols, exclusively comprising your password of them is not recommended. It would take a computer about 64 milliseconds to crack this password.

The passwords posted above are examples of bad passwords

Below we’ve posted examples of good passwords


This password is sufficiently strong enough to be acceptable in our day and age. It would take a computer about 34 thousand years to crack.


This password barely makes it as being acceptable. While a computer will take about 6 hundred years to crack it, a human might get unauthorized access faster, especially if they know your tastes and interests.


This is a prime example of a good and solid password. It would take a computer about 19 septillion years to crack it! That is a very, very long time.

Using symbols in passwords

Creating combinations of several types of characters is a very efficient way of making your passwords harder to crack and protecting your personal information. It is especially true for today, as passwords over time are becoming weaker. As time passes by, strong passwords weaken and become easier to crack.

Simple words and phrases, or commonly used passwords can be cracked faster than the human eye can blink. What you can do to prevent that from happening is to mix up your letters with a combo of lowercase and uppercase. Adding numbers and symbols, as seen above in our good password examples, can make a world of difference.

We do not recommend replacing letters with numbers or symbols, for example using a 3 in place of an ‘e’. This is bad password practice as brute-force programs have been developed to crack a password with that line of operating in mind. Instead, make your passwords unique and unpredictable.

Security experts are in agreement that upper and lowercase alphanumerical characters are good practices for increasing passwords strength and making it capable of resisting guessing and brute-force attacks. In order to add complexity without compromising ease-of-use, users can modify passphrases by inserting spaces, punctuation, and intentional misspellings.

It can be very daunting having to come up with so many passwords. This is why Password Crypt offers you your own personal password manager, with the ability to import and export your passwords, browser extensions to one-click login, and much, much more.

How to identify a hacking breach

Here are a few indicators to look out for to see if your personal information has been compromised

Your e-mail sends out spam

If your contacts tell you that they are receiving strange spam emails from your email account, that may be an indicator that your account was compromised.

Emails you never sent fail to deliver

If you’re receiving multiple failed delivery attempt emails on emails you have no memory of sending, this could be another indicator that your account is compromised.

Your sent folder contains suspicious emails

As with the failed delivery emails, you may see messages in your sent folder that you never wrote, indicating that someone is using your account to send out emails.

Suspicious login activity on your account

Your login or activity history may show suspicious access taking place on your account. Often, email providers will let you view an audit log to see which devices have recently logged in and what geographical area they were in.

How you can secure your account

If you’ve been compromised there are a few things that you can do to secure your account

Recover your account

The first step to recovery is to reset your password to a new and much stronger one. Changing your security questions is also recommended. You might want to set up phone verification or another form of 2-step verification to ensure your account doesn’t get hacked again.

Change your passwords

Be sure to change your password after your account has been compromised. If one of your accounts have been hacked, it’s vital that you reset your password on all your accounts and devices, as the hacker may have gained access to one or more of your applications.

Notify your contacts

Your contacts, friends, and family may be at risk now that your account has been hacked. Notifying them and sending them a recommendation to change their passwords is a safe bet towards stopping the hacker from compromising your contacts’ accounts.

Back up important files

With the amount of clouds and content network delivery services we use today, it’s no wonder they are often targeted first by hackers. Always back up your important files – especially after being compromised. We recommend keeping several backups in different places, both on a cloud and on a physical drive.

Use a password manager

There are many good reasons to use Password Crypt, your personal password manager. The experts recommend it, and we recommend it. While there are different password manages out there, Password Crypt takes the cake.


The important thing to do if your email account gets hacked is to, naturally, recover your account, and change your password. Using our guidelines here, you can ensure yourself a safe and protected password.

Since your email is filled with personal information that might be very sensitive, it is critical that you inform your bank, PayPal, online stores or services that hold your personal details such as payment methods, and any other accounts you may have. Informing them will help you discern whether the breach has extended into any of those services.

Changing your password all across your applications on the web is highly recommended, so that a breach like this is less likely to happen again.


We hope our guide has been helpful in your quest for a safe and secure password. When you’re ready to take the next step into maximizing your own safety online, take a look at the benefits you will reap from using Password Crypt.

Thank you for reading this safety guide – and feel free to share with your friends and loved ones, so that they may be informed to make the right decision when using passwords online.